
Send it, Set it, Forget it, we do the rest.

The most important factor to any DaaS project is the size and performance of the MVP. DaaS projects are so attractive to holders because it offers the real opportunity of continued wealth growth, and eventually, true passive income.

The MVP is fed through the smart contracts automated tokenomic accounting system and our fund administrator.

However, the MVP can’t grow itself, it must be strategically deployed, monitored and harvested at key points in time. Furthermore, it needs to be protected and preserved during downtrends in the market. This makes the financial talent on the team critical to it’s overall health and performance.

Tetrad has the strongest team of professional traders, researchers and investors available. Every investment is rigorously scrutinized, optimally weighed and chosen to ensure a strong investment play every time. With an overall conservative approach to growing the MVP.

Furthermore, regular updates regarding strategies and market perceptions is provided to the community. All investments can be seen on-chain. These elements combined gives holders and investors of all types the confidence and performance they would seek from any investment fund.

Here is where you can find more about each of our treasury managers.

Spicy Gryngo aka Alex Thomas: https://twitter.com/F60CDaaS

Epistemicrisis aka Alex Pearson: https://twitter.com/IcarusRisen

Cracking Crypto aka Justin Wise: https://twitter.com/cracking_crypto

In order to get started just log in to www.tetrad.finance and connect your metamask wallet. Deposit USDT. We will do the rest!

Last updated